Blame It On the Economy

My beautiful, pristine, 11-year-old Chevrolet Lumina’s windshield was attacked by what I think was a meteor the other day. In my panic, I had a brilliant idea. I would put lipstick (it was the handiest) on the glass at the end of the gash to measure the speed of the spread. But by the time I opened and aimed the tube while driving 70mph to keep up with traffic (not one to cause problems, after all), the crack had already grown a couple of inches and was continuing to spread. Into my 10 and 2 region. I reached my destination, but I'm sure I could’ve easily died a fiery death. With shards of windshield in my head and lipstick in my hand. 

Apparently, the replacement glass industry is a competitive one hit hard by the economy, because while still getting estimates, I received a few callbacks lowering the price. The winning bid was $150. Speaking of lipstick (on a pig), I now have a shiny, new windshield on a car whose floors are coming apart, whose Service Engine Light never goes off, and whose fuel efficient days of youth are long gone.

Waiting on it to be fixed, the shop owner explained his economical situation (people do like to do this, thus this post, I s’pose): a big chunk of his business depends on the trucking industry and when people buy less, truckers truck less and need less repairs. His biggest customer has parked a third of its fleet. 


Closer to personal, I have a friend who is looking for a new contract. His talent is in work as a Business Analyst. He was recently sent on an interview requiring a tie. A tie!! And we laughed (instead of crying) about a recent email about a job touting a pay range of $18 - $22 an hour. He has four children! And they’re girls!! The really expensive kind of kid. 


And I can’t remember the last time I was called or emailed about a technical writing job. The number of emails in my inbox has even dwindled. I’ve never expressed interest in any of their projects, but it was oddly comforting to know that India was still doing AOK in the IT industry. 

So, all this to say that I am determined to get my project off the ground this fall. I have a November 1st launch date in mind, because that date screams the beginnings of the number 1. It keeps me occupied and hopeful, if nothing else. I especially enjoy the creative work and the conversations with freelance artists. This project is my company. Hopefully, in the professional sense, too. Wouldn’t that be nice!

I don’t want to talk about it too much, because I have a hard time keeping the faith about my own endeavors. I am being professionally coached through this process, and that’s been priceless. I want to write about that here, but I’m also having a hard time writing this month. Growing up is hard. And, boy howdy and stomping feet, how I’ve been forced to grow this month. The initial relief from all the moving and settling chores has been replaced by some discombobulation and sadness. I haven’t lived in a tiny place of my own for….well….ever. It’s just awkward. Everywhere I turn, there I am. And the silence. Sheesh. They're right, it's deafening.

Oh well, Interwebs. Thanks for listening. I think October will be better. It’s my favorite month of the year. I make lists and plan for the upcoming year. I love the falling temps and falling leaves and football and cocoa and tiny town festivals and sweaters and long pants and socks in bed and Halloween candy and the scary smell of a groggy heater. I even love remembering long drives with a boy. Thank God all that sort of nostalgia is usually gone by November, but it is nice to feel a little girl-y for a month every year. Plus, my mother always comes around in some way on the 17th of every October to teach me something grand

I hope October begins a new season for this country (and world), too. We all could use some more hope for 2010.