Last Sunday I hit the Enter button to send my reservations for the May Tulip Time Festival in Holland, Michigan. I booked a $200 Holiday Inn executive suite for three days, hoping for quiet, cleanliness, and a little extra. I haven’t been anywhere in ages, except for two trips to Memphis last year to attend a wedding and to prep a house for sale, so I’m looking forward to an excursion to any place by the water (a Cancer must!).
I did ask my son to go with me, but he declined, of course. This time was different for me, though: I knew the answer (or, in this case, just the look) that I would get before I asked, so I really just posed the question out of habit. That was new. I've always wanted him to go everywhere with me. Maybe I'm growing up?
I have visions of my taking leisurely strolls on the downtown streets, walking the beach at Lake Michigan, and, of course, tiptoeing through the tulips! We’ll see. I noticed an organ concert at a local Gothic-style church one night that I’m planning to attend. I tend to talk myself out of things like that, but I really do hope I do it.
These are baby steps, I know. They are things that most people do every day. But for someone who hasn’t thought along these lines for almost two decades, it’s a giant leap for Post Single Motherhood and ME.